Base64 decode in redshift
Publish date: 2024-05-17
Is there a redshift/sql function to decode a base64 string ? If not please suggest me how to write a function in redshift to decode base64 ?
22 Answers
Thanks for the great suggestion. It worked. Here is my function. Only issue is that to create a function you have to be a superuser.
create function f_base64decode (a varchar) returns varchar stable as $$ import base64 return base64.b64decode(a) $$ language plpythonu;
We could check whether the programming language is trusted or not by querying the pg_language table. If it's not trusted, the lanpltrusted is FALSE
SELECT lanpltrusted FROM pg_language WHERE lanname LIKE 'plpythonu';
See this, You can create a function in Redshift, and you can use python to code it.
Here are some possible ways to do it in python Python base64 data decode