How does Brook Lopez's stats compare to his twin brother, Robin Lopez? All you need to know

Publish date: 2024-05-17

Brook Lopez of the Milwaukee Bucks has found plenty of success in his long NBA career. His twin brother, Robin Lopez, has also been an above-average role player for most of his career.

Besides his stats, Lopez is an NBA champion (2021) and a one-time All-Star (2012-13) as well as an All-Defensive (2019-20) and All-Rookie team member (2008-09).

Many forget or don't realize that Brook is the all-time leading scorer in the Nets' history. His 10,444 points in nine seasons top Buck Williams' 10,440 in eight (1981-89).

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Robin doesn't have any of those accolades, but he's still played exemplary basketball.

Milwaukee Bucks big man Brook Lopez

Brook Lopez and Robin Lopez's career stats

Brook Lopez has better stats than Robin Lopez, and there are multiple reasons for that. For one, Brook has been the better player in his career. Brook has also played more meaningful minutes throughout his career.

Once Brook came to Milwaukee in 2018-19, his entire game changed. When he played with Brooklyn, he was more of an inside scoring threat. In Milwaukee, he's developed an above-average 3-point shot (35.0%). He was 3-for-31 in the first eight seasons of his career. He's taken 1,350 3-point shots in five seasons with the Bucks (including playing only 13 games last season).

He also defends the rim at an insane level. Some even believe that he should win the Defensive Player of the Year Award this season, leading the league with 2.7 blocks per game.

Brook averaged more than 20 points per game in four seasons with the Nets and averaged 19 multiple times. He was a highly efficient scorer and typically shot 50% or higher. In Milwaukee, he's averaged career lows in terms of points. In 2018-2021, he didn't finish with more than 12.5 points per game.

However, those stats are severely down because of the way Milwaukee plays. With Giannis Antetokounmpo, Jrue Holiday and Khris Middleton, Lopez isn't ever going to be the focal point of the offense. When he's called upon to do so, he typically delivers with 20-plus ppg.

Brook, drafted 10th in 2008, has averaged 16.3 points, 6.2 rebounds, 1.4 assists and 1.8 blocks in his career. Perhaps his career accolade list will grow this year as he has a chance to be an All-Star and the Defensive Player of the Year.

Robin Lopez, drafted 15th in 2008, has never been a guy who will go out and average 20 in a season. Furthermore, he hasn't averaged more than 11.8 points in any season of his career. He's still put up impressive numbers for a role player, and when he has the chance to start and play real minutes, he typically has performed.

Robin has career stats of 8.6 ppg, 4.8 rpg and 1.1 bpg. His Cleveland Cavaliers team is in the mix to win an NBA title, which would be the first of his career. He hasn't played a ton, appearing in just 24 games and playing 8.9 minutes per game.

Both Robin and Brook Lopez, who attended Stanford together, have had incredible careers and seem to be even better people off the court.

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