Andrea Miller, A Leader in the Fight for Reproductive Freedom, Dies at 52

Publish date: 2024-05-18

The reproductive rights movement has lost one of its most influential and passionate leaders. Andrea Miller, the president of the National Institute for Reproductive Health (NIRH) and its Action Fund, passed away on October 28, 2023, at the age of 52. Her cause of death has not been disclosed yet, but her family and colleagues have confirmed her passing and expressed their grief and condolences.

Who was Andrea Miller?

Andrea Miller was a nationally recognized expert in the field of reproductive rights and women’s health. She dedicated more than two decades of her life to advocating for women’s health and reproductive rights. She started her professional career at the ACLU Reproductive Freedom Project and helped to found the Center for Reproductive Rights. She later served as the executive director of NARAL Pro-Choice Massachusetts, where she championed the rights of women and worked tirelessly to ensure access to health care for all.

In 2011, she became the president of NIRH and its Action Fund, an advocacy organization that fights for just and equitable access to reproductive health care in states and cities nationwide. Under her leadership, NIRH expanded its state and local strategies portfolio, which annually provides advocates in at least 20 states and more than a dozen localities with strategic guidance, hands-on support, and funding to create national change from the ground up. By forming strategic partnerships with a wide range of organizations, NIRH has had the opportunity to engage with more than 150 reproductive health, rights, and justice organizations in 39 states and 56 localities nationwide.

Andrea Miller also spearheaded the growth of NIRH’s communications and messaging initiatives. She conducted ground-breaking public opinion research that provided a new framework for talking affirmatively about abortion and mobilizing voters to take action in support of a proactive agenda. She also oversaw the growth of NIRH’s political and advocacy work, building from its historic focus on New York State to establish the NIRH Action Fund in 2016, which does non-partisan issue advocacy and electoral engagement to advance reproductive health, rights, and justice in states and cities across the country.

Andrea was a vocal advocate for women’s reproductive rights and was often called upon to lend her voice and expertise to critical conversations. Her writings and opinions were frequently featured in national publications, such as The Washington Post. Even as we awaited the Supreme Court’s decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, a case that could significantly impact abortion rights, Andrea remained a committed advocate for women’s reproductive freedom.

What is her legacy?

Andrea’s legacy is one of unshakable enthusiasm and commitment to women’s health care. She will be remembered for her tireless advocacy, her fearless leadership, and her unwavering belief in the importance of reproductive rights. She has left an indelible mark on the world and on the lives of countless individuals who benefited from her work.

As we mourn the loss of Andrea Miller, we also celebrate her life and the profound impact she had on the world. Her commitment to reproductive health and rights will continue to inspire generations of advocates. Her vision of a world where everyone has access to quality reproductive health care will live on through the work of NIRH and its partners.

How can we honor her memory?

Andrea Miller’s family and colleagues have requested that in lieu of flowers or cards, donations be made to the National Institute for Reproductive Health Action Fund in her memory. You can do so by visiting this link. Your contribution will help support the continuation of Andrea’s work and vision.

A Gofundme page has also been set up by Andrea’s friends to help cover her funeral expenses and support her family during this difficult time. You can donate to this page by visiting this link. Any amount is appreciated and will make a difference.

We extend our deepest condolences to Andrea’s family, friends, and colleagues during this challenging time. May they find comfort in the legacy she left behind and the countless lives she touched.
