Blindsided By Jenna Lyons-Courtney Crangi Relationship?

Publish date: 2024-05-18

J. Crew president Jenna Lyons’ divorce from Vincent Mazeau has been playing out in the tabloids, with conflicting reports about just what transpired between them.

Specifically, when Jenna began dating Courtney Crangi.

“They met at a fashion event several years ago … at least three years ago … and became friends,” a source close to them told People. “They got together this summer after Jenna Lyons’ [nine-year] relationship [with Mazeau] ended.”

The source also emphasized that the Lyons-Crangi relationship “absolutely” did not break up the Lyons’ marriage. A Mazeau source, however, says otherwise.

The insider close to the fashion icon says Jenna Lyons and Vincent Mazeau still live together in their Brooklyn brownstone for the sake of their son, Beckett.

“They separated two years ago, and Jenna went through several months of trying to work it out. But two years later their problems got worse and worse.”

A source close to Mazeau takes issue with that perspective, however.

“Like most marriages, they had their share of ups and downs over the years, but despite what’s been reported in the press, they were not split before Jenna and Courtney began their relationship,” the Mazeau source says emphatically.

 What was Mazeau’s reaction to Lyons’s news about Crangi?

“When Jenna told Vincent she was pursuing a romantic relationship with Courtney, it was quite a painful revelation, as Courtney and her partner and their children had been close friends of Jenna and Vincent’s for years,” the Mazeau source says.

“They had spent many weekends, holidays and vacations together. Jenna and Vincent had even brought them all on a weeklong trip to the Caribbean earlier this year.”

Mazeau is said to be seeking a major settlement from Lyons in their divorce, asserting that he gave up his own career to stay home while she advanced hers.

Don’t expect this to be the last you hear about this scandal.
