Openly Gay Brian Boitano Health & Personal Life Now | Facts On Cancer Advocate

Publish date: 2024-05-18

The best thing about coming out of the closet is that you stop caring about what others have to say because you've already overcome that phase having lived behind a curtain for so long. Likewise, despite being reticent about his sexuality for over five decades, American athlete Brian Boitano, with all his courage, finally came out as gay!

The California-native is an American Skater. At the tender age of 14, he won the U.S. Junior Men's Champion. Years later, he added to his success winning bronze at the 1978 World Cup Junior Figure Skating Championship. Ultimately, it was in 1988; he became an Olympic champion. 

Brian didn't stop there as he continued collecting medals and honors such as World championship (1986, 1988) and US National Champion from 1985 to 1988. 

Apart from his athletism, the skating champion has also featured on TV Show, What Would Brian Boitano Make (2009).

Proud Moment: Brian Boitano expresses what it felt to be surrounded with medals (Published on 20 February 2017)

Although Brian's family and friends were conscious of Boitano's sexual orientation from his early childhood, he previously believed that there was no any reason to share details of his personal life and never bothered about it.

Brian, Age 40, Finally Comes Out As Gay In 2013!

Brian, who was born on 22 October 1963, had engulfed a lot of successes in his blissful life, but he remained tight-lipped when it came to expressing himself. 

Better late than never, after more than five decades, the skate enigma finally decided to open doors about being a gay.

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In December 2013, Brian, aged 40, publicly announced that he was gay during his acceptance conference to join the U.S. delegation for the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia. 

Speaking Out: Brian Boitano discusses coming out as gay (Published on 16 January 2014)

However, Boitano's coming out as a gay didn't bring a lot of hues and cry as much as his achievements and skills do.

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How Brian Boitano Became Health & Cancer Advocate

Brian Boitano, age 45, has not only gained a lot through his excellent career of skating but also from his noble acts of giving back to the community.

In 1991, Figure Skate was in crisis at one point as a lot of skaters had health issues and most of them died due to AIDS and cancer.

At that time, the world of Figure Skate had been rocked hard by the illness and was left with the task of educating its anxious athletes and avoiding the publicity that might damage the marketing-driven sport.

Not long after, Brian lost his friend and Canadian ice dancer, Rob McCall with whom he was touring professionally as he died of AIDS-related brain cancer at the age of 33.

The illness after some time remained silent in the skate community.

Subsequently later, now-retired American figure skater Scott Hamilton rose up with another health issue in the community as he was diagnosed with cancer in 1997.

Following his first diagnosis, Scott battled two brain tumors in 2004 and 2010. After almost seven years, he was once again diagnosed with cancer in 2017. 

Having had to face the darkest side of the sports, Brian Boitano was very concerned about Scott's health and the skate community.

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So, he rose up to the occasion and joined forces with other athletes to raise money for Scott and other cancer survivors through the Scott Hamilton CARES Foundation to help fight cancer.

Is Brian Married Boitano?

Brian Boitano may have come out as a gay, but he has never spoken about his relationship life. 

Currently, as it seems, he is more focused on his careers than being married. 
