D&D 3E/3.5 - Do you miss the martial adepts from "Tome of Battle: The Book of Nine Swords"?

Publish date: 2024-05-19
The Tome of Battle: The Book of Nine Swords is a sourcebook from 3.5 what introduce a new game mechanic, the martial maneuvers, special powers in the middle step between at-will and once-encounter, with a style close to the asian wuxian genre and three new classes, the swordsage, the warblade and the crusader. Dreamscarred Press published its own version for Pathfinder, the Path of War, with its own schools of martial disciplines. It is an interesting concept, but ordinary nPCs with martial maneuvers add too complexity to the game, and usually only "bosses" can ba martial adept nPCs.

What is your opinion about this, and how should it come back to the 5th Ed? Would you get any idea by Dreamscarred Press? What changes would you add?

I imagine samurai, sohei and ninjas from D&D as martial adept classes, and the warlord as a fighter with maneuvers of the school of the white raven, and the shadow assassin like a rogue with the maneuvers of the shadow hand. (That is the reason I don't want samurai and ninja as only subclasses). Sometimes I imagine the hexblade class like a hybrid between arcane spellcaster and martial adept.

Should WotC hires Dreamscarred Press to publish the new edition of the martial adepts?

(I know there is a homebrews version for 5th Ed).
