Dylan Rounds missing update: Officials name suspect in disappearance of Utah teen farmer

Publish date: 2024-05-19

An individual has been named as a suspect in the vanishing of Dylan Rounds. Around May 28, 2022, the 19-year-old Utah man who had quite recently completed secondary school disappeared close to the line among Utah and Nevada.

Court reports from an alternate government weapons case say that Dylan’s kid neighbor, James Brenner, is a potential suspect in his vanishing. Records show that Brenner lived in a trailer on the property close to Rounds’ ranch and conversed with Dylan.

Brenner is Dylan’s family’s neighbor and a “family companion.” His mom, Candice Cooley, said that the suspect was somebody her child “knew.”

As per court records, he has a background marked by harming individuals intentionally and shooting individuals deliberately. He has likewise been indicted multiple times for being a criminal with a weapon.

A neighbor of Dylan’s named “DH” in court reports said that Brenner requested that he conceal three dark powder weapons and a.22-type rifle without a chronic number sooner or later after Rounds disappeared.

Brenner conceded to having weapons on May 21 and was given a jail sentence of 33 months for the wrongdoing.

Brenner couldn’t get temporarily free from jail, so he returned to the Weber County prison. The first date for his preliminary was September. In any case, on Monday in Box Elder County, he will return to state court. He is likewise being accused of more weapon wrongdoings.

Major Dylan Rounds update after neighbor, 59, arrested following mystery disappearance of missing 19-year-old https://t.co/QL7td3ZpKV

— Rose (@901Lulu) June 30, 2022

Look for Dylan Rounds go on in Utah Dylan Rounds, presently 19, moved to Utah from Idaho a long time back. He last conversed with his folks on the morning of May 28, the day preceding he disappeared. His folks say that he needed to begin his own ranch and that he went to his distant farmland to establish harvests and afterward vanished.

There will be a prize for any individual who gives data about Dylan.
