Court Approves Alexee Trevizo Release From the Prson Where is She Now?

Publish date: 2024-05-20

You are aware that a teenage girl named “Alexee Trevizo” has been accμsed of kἰlling her newborn son in an Artesia hospital toilet. Ahead of her trial, she was freed from custody. 

Following a recent hearing, the court approved Trevizo’s release under conditions. These consist of adhering to curfews. Treviso will be permitted to go to classes and graduate.

Alexee Trevizo was aɼɼested by the Artesia Police Department on May 10 as a result of their investigation into the deἀth of a newborn. On January 27, an Artesia Police Department officer responded to a complaint of a newborn child discovered in the hospital bathroom.

The officer was informed about the suspect “Alexee Trevizo” who is 19 years old. Trevizo was not interrogated by authorities at the Artesia hospital because she was getting ready for an emergency helicopter flight to Lovelace Medical Center in Roswell.

The officer learned that Trevizo was receiving treatment for lower back pain in the emergency room while denying that she was pregnant. After a lab test revealed her pregnancy to Trevizo and the hospital staff, she barricaded herself in a restroom.

When the hospital personnel finally announced their arrival, Trevizo opened the door for them. Police were informed by nursing staff that the bathroom was bl00dy and that she had already received treatment. Staff members searched the top of the garbage and the toilet but found nothing.

However, an employee observed how much heavier the garbage bag was than usual when it was removed during the cleanup. A newborn boy who was cold and unresponsive was discovered inside the bag by two nurses after their inspection.

When the baby’s b0dy was discovered the doctors did an autopsy, if you’re interested in reading what was discovered in the baby’s autopsy check out the post below:

After being transported by air to a hospital in Roswell, Trevizo was questioned. First-degree mμrder was the charge brought against the teen. She acknowledged concealing the infant’s deἀth in a garbage can after giving birth in a hospital bathroom.

Artesia Police Department shared the news of her aɼɼest in a Facebook post:

Note: The recent residence of Alexee Trevizo is unknown yet. This content was created for informational purposes. We don’t want to offend anyone by publishing this. You can let us know what you think about this case in the comments box below if you want to.

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