Kirk Scott Obituary, A Life Dedicated To Service

Publish date: 2024-05-20

Kirk Scott Obituary, Death –It is with a heavy heart and immense sadness that we come together to remember and honor the life of Kirk Scott, our ex-coach and great friend. On behalf of all members, past and present, and their respective families, we extend our heartfelt sympathy to Kirk’s entire family. Kirk Scott was more than just a coach; he was a mentor, a motivator, and a friend to all who had the privilege of knowing him. His passing leaves a void that can never be filled, but his legacy and the impact he had on our lives will live on forever. Kirk’s battle with illness in his final months was a testament to his unwavering spirit and determination. He was a fighter, one who refused to give in, and he approached life with the same tenacity. We watched him give his all, and he never stopped fighting, even when the odds were stacked against him.

Kirk became a part of our team when he joined Felton in 1993, coaching us at the Paignton Nationals. He didn’t just guide us; he instilled in us a sense of self-confidence and enthusiasm that transformed us from nearly men and good-time charlies to a dedicated group with aspirations of reaching the pinnacle of our sport. His dedication to our team was unwavering. Despite facing a two-hour commute, he was never late for training. Kirk set the highest of standards and expected nothing less from us. His commitment to excellence pushed us to become the best versions of ourselves, both as athletes and as individuals.

One of the remarkable things about Kirk was his selflessness. He never took a penny in expenses and frequently lent a helping hand to young pullers to ensure they could make it to competitions. His generosity and willingness to support others were emblematic of the kind of person he was. We recall one winter evening when we were training in a horse riding arena in Somerset. We told Kirk he didn’t need to make the long journey down, as it was just going to be a local practice session. But, of course, he was there, showing his unwavering commitment and dedication. As a club, we took great pride in never “poaching” pullers from other teams. However, Kirk had a unique ability to inspire others to want to pull for our club. His charisma and coaching prowess drew in a small but significant influx of new members, who to this day remain Felton men through and through.

Our journey with Kirk was not without its challenges. We faced defeats and disagreements, but Kirk’s leadership ensured that we overcame them together. He was the glue that held us together, and any disputes were resolved in the tunnel, always followed by moving forward together as a united team. We still laugh when recalling some of Kirk’s antics, such as his memorable escapade of spying on us in a pub on the Isle of Wight, only to speed off in his green BMW from Pentres do, in sheer disappointment at our performance, before reappearing twenty minutes later. Those moments became part of our folklore, adding to the richness of our shared memories. While some may believe Kirk inherited a winning team, the truth is that he didn’t. He built a team, brick by brick, player by player, instilling his values, commitment, and work ethic into each one of us. For that, we will be forever grateful.

To Kirk’s family, we want you to know that if you ever need anything, we are here for you. Kirk was not just a part of our team; he was part of our extended family. His presence enriched our lives, and we are here to support you in any way we can during this difficult time. Kirk’s legacy lives on not just in the trophies and victories we achieved under his guidance, but most importantly in the friendships we formed and the lasting memories we created together. Scotty, we want to thank you for the great times, the laughter, the camaraderie, and the valuable life lessons you shared with us. Rest in peace, dear friend.

As we say our final goodbyes to Kirk Scott, let us remember the lessons he taught us about the importance of dedication, hard work, and the enduring power of teamwork. His legacy serves as a reminder of the incredible impact one person can have on a group of individuals striving for a common goal. In this time of loss, we invite all those who were touched by Kirk’s presence to share their own memories, stories, and anecdotes about this remarkable coach and friend. Let us come together to celebrate the life of Kirk Scott, a true legend in our hearts, whose influence will continue to guide us as we carry on his legacy.
