Man Secretly Takes an Online Lover, Turns Out Its His Wife Story of the Day

Publish date: 2024-05-20

Corporate lawyer Josh champions double standards in marriage only to confront the repercussions of his toxic beliefs. He has found a mistress online to escape his boring wife, but his actions come back to bite him when his secret lover's identity is revealed…

Josh joined his friend Will at their usual lunch spot in the office, excited to share pictures of a stunning brunette he found online. Both successful lawyers and longtime friends often exchanged photos of attractive women during their off times.

Flashing his phone, Josh showed Will the woman's provocative photos. "What do you say? She's hot, huh?" he grinned, confident in his latest conquest.

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Will replied, "Dude, you gotta be careful. Someone might see us!" he said, his voice sounding impressed, but there was a hint of something else: caution.

Josh insisted, "My last chick was good; she was a solid 7. This one's a 9.5 for sure."

Will pondered things for a second and licked his lips before uttering his following words. "Congratulations on moving on to someone new. But why do this? You've got Lisa. I don't know, man. Seems like a slippery slope. What if your wife finds out about your infidelity?"

"She won't find out," Josh waved his hand dismissively. "Besides, I don't consider this infidelity. It's a man being true to his nature."

Josh continued, claiming that providing for his younger wife should be enough for her. Will warned him about the risks of his lifestyle and the changing times, but Josh dismissed the idea of being faithful, arguing, "Men are wired differently. We need variety."

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Josh met Lisa a year ago, and she was only 27 – considerably younger than him – but their night turned into a passionate encounter and another and another. Finally, he "put a ring on it" and gave her a wedding much too quickly because having someone at home who would take care of him was nice. But he got bored of her quickly.

He wasn't going to settle even while married. Josh craved new things all the time, so he met women online, bedded them until he got tired, and moved on. The trysts never lasted more than a couple of months. Some knew he was married, and others didn't.

Josh arrived home late, hoping to avoid his wife, but she was in the kitchen. "Hey, honey. How was your day?" she asked warmly.

He replied briefly, "The usual—client meetings, reports," before heading to the bedroom.

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She followed, sensing something was off. "What's wrong? Rough day?"

Josh brushed her off, "Just work stuff, Lisa. Nothing you need to worry about."

Lisa insisted, mentioning his deep frown and distant behavior. Finally, he snapped, "It's just work stress, OK? Can you not act like a typical nagging wife?"

Her eyes widened, but Lisa stood her ground instead of retreating. "You're always tired lately, Josh. You always work late, too. We never spend any time together. What's going on? Tell me if you're just done with our marriage!" she demanded.

Josh's casual dismissal, "I told you, it's work. It won't be like this forever," only fueled her dissatisfaction.

"We need more! You can't keep shutting me out," Lisa said, teary-eyed.

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"I'm not shutting you out, Lisa! I'm dealing with things my way," he argued.

Finally, she huffed and stormed out of the house. Josh slumped onto the living room couch and buried his face in his palms. He shouldn't have gotten married. This was all such a mess. It was as if he had no control over his own life, and Josh despised that.

He called Lisa's number multiple times, but she never answered. He decided he would have to wait for her to show up. Josh picked up his phone and began scrolling through a dating app, wasting the time. At the back of his mind, he wondered where Lisa could've gone.

A terrifying thought then occurred to him: Is she…cheating on me? Does she have a lover?

But before he could try to call her, a notification from his usual dating app popped up on his phone. A user named Sarah_D distracted him. After a few hours, Josh felt much better—some sexy texting placated his sour mood—so he said goodbye to the woman on the chat and went to bed.

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When his head hit the pillow, thoughts of Lisa returned despite his efforts to shut her out. After a restless night, Josh woke to find she was still absent. His fury grew the longer she was missing.

Lisa finally came home looking disheveled and tired. "Where the hell were you all night?" Josh demanded, red-faced.

She scoffed and retorted, "It's none of your damn business! I don't have to report every second of my life to you."

"You come home looking like you've been with someone else all night, and you want goddamn space, huh, Lisa?" he spat.

Her eyes widened for a second before she frowned deeply. Lisa defended herself. "Now you're accusing me of cheating? How could you even doubt me like that? I shouldn't have married you!"

Josh reminded her of the prenuptial they had signed, sure that it was enough to stop that thought because it had a strict infidelity clause. "You can't divorce me or you'll lose everything!"

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"You're throwing that in my face now?" she asked, laughing humorlessly. "I see you've thought this through, Josh. Our marriage is reduced to a piece of paper for you, right?"

"The prenup means something, Lisa!" He pointed a finger at her. "If you've forgotten your trust and loyalty, then be ready to face the consequences!"

With that, Josh grabbed his work bag and stormed off without noticing the tears in Lisa's eyes or how her face fell. He was more bothered about the division of assets if they…divorced.

At work, Josh stormed into Will's office and vented, "It's Lisa, man! Something's off. She's acting boldly, and I think she's cheating on me."

Will, taken aback, suggested Josh sit and explain the situation calmly. Josh recounted Lisa's unusual behavior and his suspicions. Will, however, pointed out Josh's hypocrisy. "Really? You're accusing Lisa of cheating while you're the one playing around? That's rich."

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Josh frowned at his friend. "Wait, are YOU sleeping with her? Is this some sort of revenge you guys are planning?"

Will sighed, his mood shifting to a more serious tone. "Look, Josh, I'm not sleeping with Lisa. I'm only saying that don't tell me you didn't see this day coming. She has her needs."

Josh refused to listen to reason. "Whatever, Will! I can't believe you'd defend her like this! If I find out you're involved with Lisa, you'll pay for it!"

He walked away but couldn't focus on work the rest of the day. Every time he opened a file, his thoughts returned to Lisa. She was a stay-at-home wife, so she could make time for her lover wherever she wanted. How long was she having that affair? How did she meet her lover?

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Then he thought about her laptop, which she used for her blog. She would sometimes be awake in bed beside him, typing out stuff for her blog. What if…What if she was not using her phone to talk to her lover, but instead, they were emailing each other?

Josh looked at the wall clock in his office, a plan forming in his mind. At about five p.m., Lisa left for her gym session. It would be the perfect time to check her email and the rest of her computer. So, he finished his work early and drove home.

As he approached their place, he noticed Lisa's missing car. He searched the house, confirming she had gone to the gym, then turned his attention to her laptop.

As he sifted through Lisa's emails, he found nothing incriminating. Just as he was about to give up, his phone pinged with a message from Sarah_D on the dating app, asking for a meet-up. But Josh's focus remained on his task.

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Frustrated with the fruitless search through emails, he checked Lisa's browsing history. His heart raced as he discovered her frequent visits to the dating app's website.

"What was she doing there if she claimed she was not cheating on him?" Josh bellowed to himself, his anger growing.

He tried to get into Lisa's account, but his guesses at her password were unsuccessful. A message indicated he needed a code sent to Lisa's phone for access. A headache formed on his temple, and overwhelmed, Josh smashed the laptop against the bedside table, shattering the screen.

His mind raced as he rushed out of the house. He got into his car, feeling the pain pulsating on the side of his head. As he drove to her gym, his thoughts were consumed with retribution.

"She can't go around sleeping with people outside our marriage. She had forgotten her place, and I will make sure she is reminded about it," he resolved, his grip on the steering wheel tight and painful.

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Josh arrived at the gym with sweat dripping down his shirt and an expression that had others turning a quizzical eye at him. Lisa spotted him and frowned. "What are you doing here?" she asked in surprise.

Instead of answering, he dragged her out to an alley next to the building. "I found the cheap site you visit every night in your browser history. You're sleeping around, aren't you?" he accused.

Pulling her hand off his grip, Lisa scoffed, "You're the one with the late-night 'work' outings, Josh!"

"Stop your nonsense, or I won't hesitate to raise my hand!" Josh warned.

Lisa stood her ground. "Hit me, and I'll sue you for every cent you have," she declared, lifting her chin.

Josh, realizing he couldn't intimidate her, snatched Lisa's phone off her hands and walked away, planning to find the evidence to use against her in court. He switched it off and got his own out. "Mr. Scottliff? I need to talk to you about my prenup…"

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In the courtroom several months later, Josh awaited the verdict with smug confidence, having deleted all evidence of his infidelity from his phone.

"After careful consideration of the presented evidence," Judge Wright's voice boomed, shattering the silence of the courtroom and distracting him from his thoughts, "the court has decided the validity of the prenuptial agreement..."

Josh leaned forward.

"During the investigation, the couple's phones, including messages from the anonymous dating website, were examined," the judge continued. "It was discovered that Mrs. Hudson had communicated with a user who subsequently deleted their account."

Josh's triumphant expression grew. Judge Wright should've just told him that he had won the case. But what she said next drained blood off his face.

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"However, a witness who came forward voluntarily has provided additional information," Judge Wright continued.

Whispers spread through the courtroom, and Josh's confidence began to waver. Lisa looked at him…Was she smiling confidently at him? Josh stared at her in disbelief before turning his attention to the judge.

Judge Wright continued, "This witness suggests that Mr. Hudson regularly had chats with his friend about cheating on his wife."

Josh was quick to deny it, but the judge quickly introduced Will, and he knew this was his doom. Will repeated everything he had said about Josh and his indiscretions.

"Thanks to technical expertise," Judge Wright continued after thanking and dismissing Will, "during the investigation, the account Mrs. Hudson was communicating with was reconstructed. Surprisingly, it was revealed to be Mr. Hudson's account."

A collective gasp rang through the room, and Josh turned to Lisa with fire in his veins. He saw her serene expression and hung his head. The judge concluded that Lisa had not been unfaithful and awarded her all shared property after the divorce.

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As Lisa left the courtroom, she scornfully remarked, "Good luck, Josh! You can enjoy your peace and quiet now!"

Josh sat there alone. He had lost everything — his property, wife, and even his good friend, Will.

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Emma, a successful family psychologist, finds a chilling envelope with the words "Truth about your husband" in her mail just after she gets home. The blackmailer wants to take everything from her and ruin her life. Will Emma protect herself and her family before it's too late?... Full story here.

This piece is inspired by stories from the everyday lives of our readers and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone's life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to
