Jeff Capps Passes Away, Crew One Productions and IATSE Stagehand
Reports from online obituary has disclosed that Jeff Capps has passed away. Jeff died on the 6th day of January 2033.
Friends and family shared their tribute online
I woke up to the news that Jeff Capps
passed away.I’m at a loss and I can’t believe it!
I feel numb but hurt at the same time. He had become my best friend and like a brother to me. The last few years of his life was hard, he missed his mom and dad so much. That was one of the things that we had in common, our love for our parents and how our lives changed when we lost them.
Your battle is over and you fought the good fight, you are now with your parents and with God.
Please keep his family in your prayers.
We lost a member of our team. Jeff Capps our roadie and more importantly our friend passed away yesterday.
Please keep his family in your prayers.
What caused Jeff Capps death
Well, unfortunately, we do not have any reliable information on his cause of death at this moment. There is no official release from his family on what exactly led to his death.
Our team is trying hard to get some information on his cause of death. Once we do, we will share it with you.
Our heartfelt condolences go out to the deceased’s family and friends, who have been struggling with the loss of such an intelligent and compassionate individual.
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