Murder in the Heartland on ID: How did Betsy Ball die?

Publish date: 2024-05-22

Betsy Ball, a Gallia Province mother, disappeared from her Morgan Municipality home on February 29, 2012. At the point when her better half David got back, not long after 12 PM, he found specific aggravations in their carport. He directed a concise pursuit of the property and upon not finding his better half, he recorded a report for someone who has gone missing with police in Gallia Region, Ohio, at around 2 am.

Only hours after the fact, on Walk 1, 2012, 67-year-old Betsy’s to some degree exposed and mistreated dead body was tracked down in a close by cornfield. She had been r*ped, choked, run over by a vehicle, and soaked in fuel.

Tire tracks found close to the crime location and DNA proof was utilized to follow the culprit, a man named Lee Hawkins, who knew about the Ball family. Hawkins was subsequently sentenced for the killing.

Murder in the Heartland on ID is scheduled to return to Betsy Ball’s ruthless homicide in an episode named Field of Terrible Dreams. The abstract for the episode states: The all-new episode airs on the channel this Wednesday, April 19, at 9 pm ET.

At some point between the late evening and late night long stretches of February 29, 2012, Betsy Ball was taken from her home in Morgan Municipality, Gallia Province, Ohio. Her better half gotten back soon after 12 PM to track down strange events inside the house and certain indications of an aggravation in the carport.

David Ball saw that in the vehicle, the articles had been moved, there was a weird piece of material on his better half’s Subaru a shoe under it, and scratches on the hood. Notwithstanding, what struck him as exceptionally off was that his better half’s glasses and cell were on the front seat flooring plank of the vehicle. He looked through the house and their property, which likewise had a hamburger steers ranch, and saw that Betsy was mysteriously gone. David promptly documented a report for someone who has gone missing.

Around early afternoon on Walk 1, 2012, Betsy Ball’s body was found in a segregated field off an unpaved street, roughly a six-minute drive from their home. How her body was presented gave specialists a clue that Betsy might have been s*xually attacked. There were injuries and scratches all over and arms, ligature marks on her neck and wrists, with her right wrist almost cut off.

There were noticeable tire tracks all over and chest area, showing that she was run over by a vehicle and her entire body was drenched in fuel. A dissection affirmed that she was r*ped and governed the reason for death to be strangulation and the way to be manslaughter.

Alongside tire tracks from and close to the casualty’s body, specialists likewise found a fractional hand towel comprising of natural liquids from which they had the option to separate the executioner’s DNA. After looking at the tire tracks, examiners discovered that the vehicle had two off-road tires on the facade of the vehicle, and two mudder tires on the back. Afterward, this specific snippet of data ended up being significant.

While looking for the vehicle being referred to, specialists discovered that Lee A. Hawkins, of Bidwell, claimed a pickup truck with comparable tires. As indicated by reports, Lee had known Betsy’s family for around twenty years and infrequently worked for them as a farmhand. The discoveries persuaded specialists to think that Hawkins realized Betsy Ball was home alone that evening.

Hawkins was examined and keeping in mind that he denied contribution in the killing, he offered a few disconnected and implicating expressions later. He at last let specialists know that he was an observer to the wrongdoing however denied any immediate inclusion, charging that a third individual was liable for the homicide.

Legal specialists then, at that point, affirmed that Hawkins’ fingerprints were available on Betsy’s Subaru and that the hand towel found at the crime location comprised of his semen alongside the casualty’s blood. He was accused of bothered murder, messing with proof, maltreatment of a cadaver, and murder not long later.

Reports express that a jury viewed Lee Hawkins to be very muchliable in Betsy Ball’s homicide case. He was condemned to life in jail without the chance of parole.

ID’s Homicide in the Heartland will additionally dig into the grim homicide case on Wednesday, April 19, at 9:00 pm ET.
