Seol-ran Was The Mastermind Behind Nak-su, Jang Uk, and Bu-yeon All Along

Publish date: 2024-05-22


Fans finally know the truth about Bu-yeon and her immense powers in 'Alchemy of Souls' Season 2. The intertwined fate of Bu-yeon, Jang Uk, and Nak-su is all thanks to Seol-ran and her mission to save the world.

Published on January 9, 2023

3 min read

Before the grand finale of Alchemy of Souls Season 2, Master Lee drops a truth bomb that cracks one of the great mysteries of the K-drama wide open. Since the first season, fans have speculated the great priestess Jin Seol-ran was still alive in some way, or Bu-yeon was a reincarnation of her. Master Lee reveals in Alchemy of Souls Season 2 Episode 9 that Seol-ran was in control of Bu-yeon, Jang Uk, and Nak-su’s fate from the start.

[WARNING: This article contains spoilers for Alchemy of Souls Season 2.]

Master Lee reveals Seol-ran’s soul was inside the Ice Stone in ‘Alchemy of Souls’ Season 2

As fans are aware, Seol-ran and Seo Gyeong were lovers long ago when they dealt with the Ice Stone. But as Seo-ran died, Seo Gyeon did not destroy the Ice Stone in hopes of saving her. In Alchemy of Souls Season 2 Episode 9, Lady Jin learns that Bu-yeon could return to her body and remove Nak-su. But Master Lee reveals the truth about why and who Bu-yeon really is.

He questions Lady Jin why Seo Gyeong kept the stone within Jinyowon and never destroyed it. The first time the Ice Stone was used was when Lady Jin begged Jang Gang to use the Alchemy of Souls to save her dead unborn baby. That baby grew up to become Bu-yeon. Master Lee brings up the story and implies that the Ice Stone still had Seol-ran’s soul. Her soul had transferred to the dead baby.

Alchemy of Souls Season 2 reveals Bu-yeon is, in fact, Seol-ran, the great divine priestess. Master Lee questions how Lady Jin never suspected as her daughter was also born blind and possessed power far beyond any Jin family female.

When Mu-deok entered the relics room for the first time, the relics said, “It’s her. The Ice Stone.” Theories believed they were speaking of Bu-yeon, which is true. But in reality, they sensed Seol-ran, who had created the relics and the relics room years ago. It also makes sense why Lady Jin once said her daughter could play with and control the relics like they were toys. But Alchemy of Souls Season 2 also reveals Seol-ran had picked Bu-yeon, Jang Uk, and Nak-su for a greater purpose.

Seol-ran stayed behind to stop the great chaos in ‘Alchemy of Souls‘ Season 2

Master Lee seems to know all and adds another thread to the great story of Seol-ran. In Alchemy of Souls Season 2 Episode 10, he explains his theory is plausible because he is proof of it. With Hwansu, Master Lee shifted his soul into the body of a recently dead young boy. He never petrified as the boy’s original soul was already gone from the body. Bu-yeon’s was already gone in Lady Jin’s womb, allowing the soul of Seol-ran to inhabit the infant.

But Master Lee also reveals that Seol-ran had purposely stayed behind within the Ice Stone for a reason. In truth, Seo Gyeong did save his lover’s soul. She stayed behind, knowing she would have to stop the Great Chaos from happening again. According to Twitter user @jangukmypupil, Seol-ran had planned to shift her soul into the body of an adult mage.

But as the stone was first used on a baby, Seol-ran had to wait until the body was old enough. While a young Bu-yeon/Seol-ran succeeded in retrieving the Ice Stone as a child, she was betrayed, lost in the lake, and did not have the power to fulfill her mission. Master Lee soon reveals to Park Jin that the intertwined fate of Jang Uk, Nak-su, and Bu-yeon was all part of Seol-ran’s plan to save the world.

When Bu-yeon/Seol-ran first met Nak-su, she sensed the assassin’s immense powers. She stopped the Alchemy of Souls to trap Nak-su so she could use her powers to regain her own. Twitter user @jangukmypupil also theorizes Seol-ran had created the barrier around Jeonjinggak in the first season. It allowed Jang Uk to take possession of the Ice Stone and its powers. She knew he was born with the King’s Star and as a result of soul shifting in Alchemy of Souls.

How does Seol-ran put Nak-su in jeopardy?

The biggest storyline of Alchemy of Souls Season 2 is whether Nak-su’s soul will survive. Master Lee had theorized that once Bu-yeon/Seol-ran had regained her divine powers, Nak-su would disappear for good. Fans now know that Bu-yeon was not truly a villain in Alchemy of Souls and was Seol-ran trying to put the pieces together to save the world. But where does it leave Nak-su?

By Alchemy of Souls Season 2 Episode 9 and Episode 10, Nak-su has regained her memories. She is aware she will disappear once she remembers the death of Jang Uk. Having met a young Bu-yeon/Seol-ran, Nak-su is aware of the inevitable and understands there is a greater purpose. To stop the Great Chaos, Bu-yeon/Seol-ran has to take control of the body entirely to use her divine powers in Alchemy of Souls Season 2.
