Publish date: 2024-05-22

Pope Francis, born Jorge Mario Bergoglio in Buenos Aires, Argentina, has captured hearts worldwide with his compassionate and forward-thinking approach to global issues. Leading the Roman Catholic Church with a progressive outlook, he has embraced once-taboo topics and called for inclusivity.

The Family Roots

Jorge Mario Bergoglio, now known as Pope Francis, was the first of five children born to Mario Giuseppe Francesco Bergoglio and Regina Maria Sivori, Italian immigrants who settled in Argentina. Growing up in Buenos Aires, he shared his childhood with two sisters and two brothers.

Siblings’ Legacy

Regrettably, most of Pope Francis’ siblings have passed away. At present, he shares this journey with his younger sister, Maria Elena, the only surviving sibling. His sister Marta departed in 2007 at 66, and brother Alberto in 2010 at 6Another younger brother, Oscar, also rests in peace. Had Oscar lived, he would have been 83 today, just a year younger than Pope Francis, who is now 8Maria Elena, the sole surviving sibling, resides in Argentina, aged around 71.

A Historic Papal Election

Maria Elena, Pope Francis’ living sister, stepped into the public eye a day after his election as Pope. The family’s story, intertwined with the Pope’s journey, reflects a shared heritage of faith and resilience.
